Monday, October 11, 2010

Mohon asrama penuh guna laman web KPM

KUALA LUMPUR: Ibu bapa yang mahu membuat permohonan untuk mendaftarkan kemasukan anak mereka ke asrama penuh melalui sistem atas talian Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) diminta melayari laman web rasmi kementerian itu di

Jurucakap Unit Komunikasi Korporat KPM berkata, ibu bapa tidak digalakkan menggunakan enjin pencarian bagi melayari laman web berkenaan sebaliknya disaran menggunakan alamat laman web rasmi kementerian berkenaan.

“Sehingga kini laman web rasmi kami masih aktif, pengguna hanya perlu melayari bagi membuat permohonan dan bukan ke laman web kerana ia tidak lagi digunakan.

“Bagi mengelakkan berlakunya kekeliruan, mereka tidak digalakkan menggunakan enjin pencarian kerana ia akan menghubungkan pelayar ke laman web dan akan tertera perkataan ‘sistem sedang dikemaskini’,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata demikian mengulas aduan ibu bapa bahawa mereka tidak boleh membuat permohonan kemasukan ke asrama penuh secara atas talian berikutan laman web KPM tidak boleh dilayari.

Katanya, ibu bapa diingatkan supaya memastikan permohonan atas talian yang dilakukan di cetak, ditandatangani pemohon dan disahkan guru besar sekolah masing-masing.

Hmetro 12/10/10

Cedera jiwa

GANGGUAN emosi turut terjadi walaupun sekadar melihat kejadian ngeri atau insiden buruk.

BUNYI ciut tayar kereta sewaktu membrek di luar rumah membuatkan Nina gelisah. Bukan sekali dua dia berkeadaan begitu malah, setiap kali mendengar bunyi tayar berdecit atau melihat paparan kemalangan dalam berita televisyen, tiba-tiba sahaja jantungnya berdegup kencang.

Walaupun terselamat dalam satu kemalangan beberapa tahun lalu, Nina mendapati dia mudah resah, panik dan tersentak sewaktu tidur. Situasi yang berlarutan itu menyebabkan Nina menjadi seorang yang murung.

Mengulas kejadian cedera jiwa yang dialami Nina, Pakar Runding Psikiatri, Dr. Daniel Zainal Abdul Rahman menjelaskan, apa yang dilalui Nina ialah simptom klasik gangguan tekanan pascatrauma (PTSD).

Jelas beliau, keadaan tersebut berlaku apabila seseorang terdedah kepada satu peristiwa buruk hingga membawa kepada trauma.

Trauma, menurut Daniel, adalah peristiwa yang tidak biasa dialami dalam kehidupan seharian seseorang.


“Seringkali ia dikaitkan dengan keadaan anggota tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) yang pernah bertugas di Vietnam dan mengalami pelbagai kejadian dramatik,” katanya yang ditemui di Hospital Pantai Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini.

KESAN trauma akibat peristiwa mencemaskan mungkin berlarutan sehingga bertahun lamanya. - Gambar hiasan

Sambung beliau, penyebab PTSD mungkin berdasarkan beberapa faktor selepas sesuatu insiden sama ada ia berlaku pada diri sendiri atau hanya melihat insiden tersebut.

Jelasnya, terdapat tiga faktor yang berkait rapat iaitu faktor kecenderungan, pencetus dan kemudaratan.

“Bagi mereka yang datang daripada keluarga yang mempunyai darah gemuruh, kecenderungan untuk mendapat PTSD adalah tinggi.

“ Ini kerana urat saraf yang membawa bahan kimia untuk mengawal gemuruh tidak stabil,” ujarnya.

Selain itu, peristiwa seperti kemalangan atau rogol boleh menjadi pencetus kepada penyakit itu.

Jelas Daniel, bukan luar biasa sekiranya sesuatu insiden yang dipendam selama bertahun-tahun akan tercetus semula.

“Ia umpama api dalam tanah gambut yang menunggu masa untuk marak kembali,” ungkapnya yang turut menyatakan, individu yang mempunyai personaliti pendiam atau suka memendam perasaan berisiko mengalami PTSD.

Jelas Daniel, antara kes yang pernah ditangani olehnya ialah pesakit yang dirogol ahli keluarga terdekat sewaktu kecil.

Perkara tersebut dipendam hinggalah ia tercetus kembali ketika mahu berkahwin atau menjalinkan hubungan dengan seseorang.

“Perasaan trauma akan menghantui individu tersebut kerana ia seolah-olah memantulkan kembali memori silam ketika dirogol walaupun dalam perspektif berbeza,” dedah Daniel sambil memberitahu PTSD boleh tercetus walaupun melibatkan perkara kecil.

ROGOL merupakan insiden klasik dalam menterjemahkan keadaan PTSD terutama apabila ia dilakukan oleh orang yang dikenali. - Gambar hiasan

Termasuk dalam kategori gangguan keresahan, pesakit PTSD juga mengalami serangan panik, kemurungan, cepat berdebar atau gangguan tidur.

Sebenarnya, PTSD mula dikaji selepas tamat Perang Bosnia terutama di kawasan Sebrenica yang menjadi lokasi pembunuhan beramai-ramai.

Kajian dilakukan ke atas wanita yang dirogol oleh tentera Serb di hadapan suami mereka.

Berdasarkan temu bual dan pemerhatian, kebanyakan suami mangsa rogol mengalami PTSD.

“Keadaan tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa membuatkan rata-rata suami mangsa rogol khususnya yang sedang mengandung menghidap PTSD walaupun cuma melihat kejadian tersebut.

“Ia mengambil masa yang cukup lama sebelum mereka menyedari perkara tersebut,” kata Daniel.

Tambah Daniel, keadaan yang sama dialami veteran perang AS di Vietnam atau mangsa kemalangan, mangsa dera atau sesuatu yang melibatkan antara hidup dan mati.

Kosmo 12/10/10

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Dalam proses temuduga calon perlu berhati-hati dalam jawab pertanyaan dari penemuduga, terutama pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mempunyai jebakan. Berikut beberapa pertanyaan yang mungkin adalah sebuah jebakan dalam semasa temuduga:

Mengapa kami harus mengambil anda berkerja?

Ini peluang Anda untuk “menjual” diri Anda. Uraikan dengan singkat dan jelas kelebihan yang Anda miliki, kualifikasi Anda dan apa yang dapat Anda sumbangkan bagi jawatan tersebut. Hati-hati , jangan memberikan jawaban yang terlalu umum. Hampir setiap orang mengatakan mereka merupakan seorang pekerja keras dan memiliki motivasi. Berikanlah jawaban yang memperlihatkan keunikan yang Anda miliki.

Mengapa tertarik bekerja di sini / jawatan ini?
Pertanyaan ini merupakan salah satu alat bagi si pewawancara untuk mengetahui apakah Anda mempersiapkan diri anda dengan baik. Jangan pernah datang untuk sebuah wawancara pekerjaan tanpa mengetahui latar belakang tempat anda akan bekerja atau jawatan yang anda pilih. Dengan memiliki informasi yang cukup mengenai latar belakang tempat anda akan bekerja atau jawatan yang anda pilih maka pertanyaan di atas memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk memperlihatkan inisiatif, dan menunjukkan apakah pengalaman serta kualifikasi yang Anda miliki sepadan dengan posisi yang diperlukan.

Apa kelemahan utama Anda?
Rahasia dalam menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah dengan berkata jujur mengenai kelemahan Anda, tapi jangan lupa menjelaskan bagaimana Anda mengubah kelemahan tersebut menjadi kelebihan. Misalnya, bila Anda memiliki masalah dengan tempat kerja lama, perlihatkan langkah yang Anda ambil. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa Anda memiliki kemampuan dalam mengenali aspek yang perlu diperbaiki dan inisiatif dalam memperbaiki diri Anda.

Mengapa anda berhenti bekerja?
Walaupun Anda berhenti dari tempat kerja lama dengan cara yang tidak baik, Anda harus berhati-hati dalam memberikan jawaban. Usahakan untuk memberikan jawaban yang diplomatis. Bila Anda memberikan jawaban yang mengandung aspek negatif, kompensasikan jawaban tadi dengan jawaban yang positif. Bila anda mengeluhkan tentang pekerjaan terdahulu, maka hal ini tidak memberi poin apa-apa buat Anda.

Bagaimana Anda menyelesaikan masalah?
Tidak mudah memberikan jawaban bila Anda mendapatkan pertanyaan seperti di atas, terutama bila Anda baru lulus dan tidak memiliki pengalaman kerja. Penemuduga ingin melihat apakah Anda dapat berpikir secra kritis dan mengembangkan penyelesaian tanpa melihat jenis permasalahan yang Anda hadapi, bahkan walaupun Anda tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup dalam mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang Anda lakukan dalam memprioritaskan pekerjaan. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahawa Anda bertanggungjawab dan tetap dapat berpikir jernih walaupun sedang menghadapi masalah.

Prestasi apa yang dibanggakan?
Rahasia dari pertanyaan di atas adalah dengan memilih secara spesifik prestasi yang berhubungan dengan jawatan yang sedang ditawarkan. Walaupun Anda pernah menjuarai bola basket pada waktu di unversiti, tetapi ini bukan merupakan sebuah jawaban yang diharapkan. Berikan jawaban yang lebih profesional dan lebih relevan. Pikirkan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan tersebut dan kembangkan contoh yang memperlihatkan bagaimana Anda dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan.

Berapa gaji yang Anda harapkan?
Pertanyaan ini merupakan pertanyaan yang tersulit terutama bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki pengalaman kerja yang cukup.Yang perlu Anda lakukan sebelum wawancara adalah mencari tahu gaji untuk jawatan yang ditawarkan agar Anda dapat memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan ini. Beritahu pewawancara bahwa Anda terbuka untuk membicarakan mengenai kompensasi bila saatnya tiba. Bila terpaksa, berikan jawaban yang berupa kisaran angka, bukan angka tertentu.

Sila ceritakan mengenai diri Anda?
Mungkin pertanyaan di atas nampaknya mudah tetapi pada kenyataannya tidaklah semudah yang Anda bayangkan. Yang pasti Anda harus menyadari bahwa pewawancara tidak tertarik untuk mengetahui apa yang Anda lakukan di hujung minggu ataupun dari daerah mana Anda berasal. Penemuduga berusaha mengetahui Anda secara profesional. Siapkan dua atau tiga poin mengenai diri Anda, baik pengalaman kerja maupun sasaran karir Anda dan tetap konsisten. Rangkum jawaban Anda dengan mengungkapkan keinginan Anda sebagai bagian dari kakitangan mereka. Bila memiliki jawaban yang mantap maka hal ini dapat membawa Anda pada pembicaraan yang memperlihatkan kualifikasi Anda.

Soalan Akhir Temuduga.

Biasanya apabila masa dirasakan cukup, panel penemuduga akan menamatkan temuduga tersebut. Akan tetapi sebelum itu panel biasanya akan bertanya “ anda ada apa-apa soalan?”. Kebanyakan daripada calon tidak mengambil peluang ini untuk bertanya soalan. Cubalah anda tanya mengenai peluang anda dalam sesi temuduga yang sedah selesai tadi. Gunakan juga peluang itu untuk bertanya tentang jawatan / pekerjaan / kementerian tersebut. Tunjukkan kita komited dalam urusan kerja.Ini mampu merubah markah yang diberi oleh panel penemuduga tadi. Sesudah itu bersalaman dan ucapkan terima kasih pada panel penemuduga.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Make Sure Your Resume Stands Out

A successful resume needs to SELL you over and above your peers and create a sense of urgency for the reader to pick up the phone and call (or email) you to arrange an interview. Otherwise, the alternative is the reader scans the resume, thinks, "Yeah, this person has a good background," and then moves on to scan the next resume, pitching your resume in the old "circular file."

Here are some ways to write aggressive, up-to-the-minute resumes that really SELL you.

OBJECTIVES: Should you use one? There are lots of opinions about whether or not to use an objective, or just how to do so, if one is used. The only "given" about the use of an objective, is definitely NOT to use one on senior level resumes. A CEO, CFO, COO or other executive's resume actually looks/reads silly when an objective is used. But for the mid-level or entry-level candidate, an objective can be useful.

Here are a few ways to incorporate the concept into a resume:

If you know exactly what you want:

"(insert title) seeks a position with a progressive organization that will utilize a successful career to meet/exceed company goals.
If you have several fields you want to pursue:

Results-oriented manager seeks a position with advancement opportunities; areas of interest include (insert your areas of interest here).
If you want to change careers:

Aggresive individual seeks a career in (insert career here) utilizing strong interpersonal skills to penetrate untapped markets and build a loyal client base.
What you'll notice in the above cases, is what's stressed in the objective: the BENEFIT the COMPANY will receive if they hire the candidate. What is not stated is what YOU want. Companies don't care what you want - they want to know what you can do for THEM.

A common flaw in writing objectives, is duplicating what 78+ other resumes by stating the obvious, such as you are seeking a challenging position. Who isn't? Would you ever state that you were seeking a boring position? Of course not - so don't state the obvious - it's a clichÊ.

REFERENCES PROVIDED UPON REQUEST: Using this phrase at the end of the resume is archaic. It's a given (talk about a clichÊ!), and contemporary resumes omit this. The better approach is to generate a prepared Professional Reference sheet which you can bring with you on interviews and leave with the interviewer when references are requested.

RESPONSIBLE: This word is often so over-used in a resume, that at CAREER OBJECTIVES, we never use it. The word "responsible" signifies mid-management and below, not executive-level candidates. Instead of writing, "Responsible for all departmental functions ..." Try using an action word that best depicts what that person actually does - for example, "Perform all departmental functions, including..." or "Oversee all departmental functions, including..." or "Review all departmental functions, including..." The key is to convey that you direct functions rather than just perform them?

MY, MINE, THIS, I: Using words like this in the resume indicates you are writing in a narrative voice, as if you are having an actual conversation, a dialogue with the reader. This is not the case: you are presenting your achievements, skills and credentials to a potential employer. Keep your resume business-like, and professional. In descriptions, the word "a" could be substituted for the word "this," as in: "Promoted to a $30 million division of an international widget manufacturer to expand sales into untapped markets" as opposed to "Promoted to this $30 million division...."

ALSO: Often this word is used to describe daily functions: "Control and administer annual budgets totaling $12 million. Also, interface with vendors to negotiate more favorable terms and gain higher profits." The "also" is a dialogue word, and quite unnecessary. In writing resumes, practice "tight writing." That is, to eliminate as many "an's, the's, also's, a's," etc., as possible. They typically aren't necessary and can be cut from the resume without loss of meaning.

NUMBERS: Contrary to the rules of grammar, EXCEPT for academic resumes, it is best to use numerals in a resume rather than spell out the number, even when that number is 10 or under. Grammatically, we are taught to spell out numbers like three, five, seven, etc., and write 12, 14, 16, etc. The numerical version, however, jumps off a page, whereas the spelled out version often gets lost. Because resumes are often only scanned by the reader 15-20 seconds, the actual use of numbers helps to capture the readers' attention - they are drawn to the numbers, which means they are spending more time looking at and reading your resume - and that's a GOOD thing! However, that the words "percentage" or "dollar" be used ("30 percent" or "12 million dollars") - instead, use the symbol, as in 300r $12 million.

PAST / PRESENT TENSE: Writing in the present tense is always more aggressive than writing in the past tense. Verbs in past tense are in a passive voice, so whenever feasible, write in the present tense. Obviously, if you are still employed, your current job listing is written in the present tense (manage, direct, supervise, control, etc).

PICTURES: Unless you are an actor or model, do not include a picture of yourself under any circumstances. Companies these days are so concerned about EEO lawsuits, discriminatory cases and the like, that at best, they will immediately throw out the picture, or at worst, possibly throw away the entire resume, especially if the picture is printed into the resume. Recruiting firms are highly sensitive to this, as well.

GRAPHICS: Be careful not to make your resumes "too cute." Remember, companies see you as an INVESTMENT - they are spending x amount of dollars to obtain you (salary), and want to see a return on their investment. It is a business negotiation. If the resume appears too "decorative" or distracting because of cute clip art images or overly decorative paper, you may be dismissed and the resume tossed.

PERSONAL INFO: Marital status, date of birth, health, hobbies, etc., are not relevant on a resume these days. Keep in mind you aren't writing your biography, you are marketing yourself on paper.

When writing your resume always ask yourself the question: "Why does the employer want to HIRE ME above all others, especially when there are 91+ resumes from equally qualified candidates sitting on that decision-maker's desk?" Answer that question in the resume, and you will have written a tight, solid, results-oriented resume.


Using Your Interview to Open the Door for Negotiations Process

The interview stage is the most important part of the job-seeking process; this is the point at which you first present yourself and gain some understanding of the other party. You’re trying to make a good impression and present yourself in the best light, while at the same time learning as much as you can about the other person. As the company is determining whether you are the right candidate, you must do the same type of analysis. The company must analyze whether you are worth investing in; any human capital resource expenditure must be looked at by the company in terms of its return on investment for paying you $100,000 or more. You must do the same analysis and make the same determination: Will working at this company give you a long-term return in terms of career migration path, quality of life, and the opportunity to learn and work with others in a stimulating environment?

As an executive, it’s not just about money. The number one reason people stay at companies is the environment and the people they work with. Money is the easiest area to figure out. Other areas take much more time, and are often the most critical. Just as the company has prepared interview questions, so should you. If one of their hires does not work out, the impact on the company is not nearly as great as the impact on you if you end up leaving because of a mismatch.

In order to identify whether the work environment and career path opportunities are a good fit, you need to do some advance work, such as researching the company via printed and on-line resources and accessing your network of colleagues and friends, who might provide greater insight into the company’s culture, business philosophies, and overall health. Once you’ve gathered this information, you may find yourself more positive about the opportunity, or you may find that you need to probe further.

Another valuable effect of preparation is that it enables you to plan how to position your skills and experience during the interview. As you research the company, look for specifics that you can tie in to your background—for example, how your industry contacts or sales-channel knowledge will add value to the sales and marketing area, or how your engineering training and experience on previous development projects will augment their current teams.

A less discussed but important component of the preparation process is being ready to observe and interpret the interviewer’s body language. First, it’s helpful to understand the parameters of your interview, for example, the time allotted, whom you will be meeting with, and their backgrounds. Once you’ve gathered this information and are engaged in the interview, you can gauge your connection through direct or indirect eye contact.

Does the interviewer constantly look at her watch or glance at her computer screen?
Does he fidget in his chair, shuffle papers?
Is this the interviewer’s personal style, or do you need to do something to re-engage his or her attention?
An effective tactic to re-engage a distracted interviewer is to ask a question that relates either to something he or she said or to an area that is in line with your investigative research. This approach draws the interviewer’s attention back to the discussion. If you fail to draw the interviewer’s full attention back to your discussion, this might be indicative of his or her personality, or it might indicate that there is a disconnection, which you must take into consideration after the interview.

Once you have prepared the key points that you want to address, you will be more focused and confident during the interview process because you’ll have defined goals of what you want to achieve.


In interview, is it better to be honest ?

When going into an interview for a position that you know you aren’
fully qualified for but believe you could grow into, is it better to be
honest and say that you aren’t qualified but you are willing to work
towards it or to act like you are qualified and learn as you go?

By Tracy Sinclair, AQUENT

You should certainly always be honest about your level of experience
and/or school. If you do not have the level of experience a job calls for, b
have been asked to interview, it's definitely a good sign. Think about the
experience you DO have and how it relates to the job opportunity. Preten
the interview is a great marketing challenge. How can you best position
your experience to win this job?
Think through each aspect of the job description or posting and come up
with three examples of related experience that you have. One way to do
this is through the use of "PARs". Structuring past experiences in the form
of "Problem, Action, Result" stories will help paint a clear picture to the
person interviewing you. Even if the example is a bit of a stretch in terms
how it relates, as long as your honest, it's fine. These examples will help
the company see what you can do, not just what you have done already.